
PØM: Swedish Pocket Analog Synth

22 patches from the teenage engineering pocket operator 400 modular synth

A quirky DIY Synth that packs a Punch.

teenage engineering's pocket operator modular series consists of two semi-modular analog synthesizers and a separate sequencer made affordable via a self-assembly design. These synths ship to you in a tall and flat cardboard box with their enclosures consisting of sheet metal (which you have to bend), and the individual modules (oscillators, filter, etc.) shipping as finished PCBs which you'll have to mount yourself. The bigger of the two synths, the pocket operator modular 400 (or POM-400) is the one sampled for this FREE pack.

This delightfully small, lightweight, bright yellow synth is more capable than its diminutive enclosure might suggest. From gnarly metallic basses to lush plucks, and from searing leads to cascading sound effects - this synth packs quite the punch. Watch me assemble the synth right here and check out a little sound demo here.

pluck: bakelite
bass: gnarlz
synth: sawtap
synth: somewhat plucky
synth: beedlethebard
pluck: famicom

Product Specs

Pack contents

  • 22 POM-400 patches in several multisample formats
  • 671 individual samples in total (24 bit / 44.1 kHz, 170 mb)

Included formats

  • .exs for Logic Pro Sampler, Alchemy, exs24 (legacy), DecentSampler (via import)
  • .nki for Kontakt 4.1 and later (not compatible with Kontakt Player)
  • .adv for Ableton Live 10 Suite or newer (not compatible with Intro or Standard)
  • MPC 2 Expansion with Keygroup instruments, pre-programmed inserts, and patch previews.
  • .sfz SoundFonts for Ableton Sampler (Live 10 & earlier), Kontakt 5 & older, exs24, Sforzando, NN-XT, NN-19, & others
  • Reason ReFill containing NN-XT sampler patches
  • .multisample for Bitwig Studio
  • .korgmultisample for KORG WaveState and ModWave

About me

Hi there! My name is Chris and I'm a sound designer and audio mixing & mastering engineer based in scenic mountain region of Berkshire County, Massachusetts. While my background has been performing and recording music, it was the process of creating my first ever musical sample pack, Low'n'Slow, that truly made me fall in love with sound design in 2019.

These days, I design and implement sound for video games, have sampled rare synthesizers and drum machines, turned field recordings into contemporary hip hop drum kits, and created loops for fellow producers to use.

I strive to provide uncompromising, meticulously captured high-quality audio assets at an affordable price and help creatives at all stages of their career find the right colors for their sonic palette. My Blog also provides insight into my process, and my gear page highlights what equipment I use to create these libraries.
